
Contest Results: Motion

All Contests Results Entries Topic Poll

Ended 06/26/16 7:15 PM GMT
Winner: stylo (See the full results)

1st place
ZOOM! by stylo

trixxie17: Very cool shot and would be perfect for the contest as you've managed to visualize motion!

PatAndre: Nope, nope, and nope. I would keep the one you have (chopping wood)in the contest. It's a winner.

stylo: oops :( Well i can change it back. Whats everyone else think?... interesting topic.

stylo received a 2 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

2nd place
Fetch It-Dog Diving by tigger3

bfrank: This one gets my vote Sandi.

jerseygurl: Congrats Tigs on taking 2nd place in the contest - an excellent contender - the dog and your photography!!!!!!!!!!

Flmngseabass: Congratulations Tiggs!!!! I knew this would rank high and 2nd place is awesome!!!!! Great entry for sure;)

tigger3 received a 1 month membership in the Caedes Cadre.

3rd place
Tilt A Whirl by Hottrockin

mesmerized: Lots of swirly movement, terrific colors, and love the shadows...great render and of luck.

icedancer: Lots of action and wonderful bright colours

tigger3: Oh this is a terrific render, love the play of light and shadows in the colorful creation. tigs=^..^=

4th place
Ballerina by elektronist

LynEve: An amazing and unique image Tanju.
Congrats on your placement in the contest. It was a good bunch of entries this time.

corngrowth: Tanju, this would be an excellent entry for the 'Motion' contest.
If you decide to do so, wish you Good Luck with it.
It's an image with a high level of artistry too. Very well done, my friend.

5th place
The Swinger by mesmerized

jerseygurl: Congrats Pat on taking 5th place in the contest!!!!!!!!!

icedancer: Excellent choice for 5th place - very well deserved

corngrowth: SAW, congrats for your 5th place in the 'Motion' contest.
Very well done, my friend.

tigger3: I'm so glad you placed in the contest, kudos to you SAW.